Healing is for Today

During these healing meetings you will receive powerful teaching on what God says about healing, people get up out of their wheelchairs, the ears of the deaf are opened, and steel plates and screws disappear from people's bodies under the power of God. Your faith will be built up so that you can receive your healing.

  • And all who touched Him were made well. (Mark 6:56)

  • He heals all your diseases. (Psalm 103:3)

  • By His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Come to our healing meetings, and cause your faith for healing to explode.

Who are we?

Frontrunners is a Dutch ministry marked by it's radical, Bible-based commitment and passion. Our mission is to raise up a generation that is sold out for the Kingdom of God, full of faith, and full of the power of the Holy Spirit. We build up and encourage God's people to rise up in their identity as children of God and walk in the power and authority that they've been given in Christ, via online media, part-time and full-time Bible Schools, conferences and multiple-day healing meetings.

Frontrunners holds a number of multiple-day healing meetings every year, where faith for healing is preached and where the power of faith and the power of God are demonstrated via hundreds of people getting healed.

    Healing Meetings in Limerick

    The Healing Meetings will be held at Abundant Life Church, Henry Street, Limerick.

    • Healing Meeting, Friday 14th March | 18:30

    • Healing Meeting, Saturday 15th March | 18:00

    Entry is free, there's no need to register, just come with expectation and faith! God heals!